RVA NOISE FEST III is a DIY experimental music fest organized by the RVA NOISE collective in Richmond VA. The fest is currently in its 3rd incarnation since starting 2012. Originally intended to be a showcase of local artists RVA Noise Fest has expanded to include many engaging acts from across the country and we hope to grow even more in the coming years to include artists from all over the world.
Due to the expansions though, we are asking for your help (to be clear- we are asking for money to help pay the artists/venues that make this possible)! We are offering tons of merch from artists involved in the fest and the Richmond experimental scene, including a special promotion involving select choices from the RVA NOISE private collection, as well as some deep cuts from the ANTI-EVERYTHING NOISE vaults. Pre-sale tickets will also be available at STEADY SOUNDS located downtown at 322 W. Broad Street.
RVA Noise Fest III will be held April 18-20 with performances happening through Richmond at Black Iris, Sound of Music, Strange Matter, and Steady Sounds. Keep updated with our Facebook page for details as we will be updating constantly, and as always even if you cannot donate we hope to still see you out in Richmond come April 18th!!.......